Martijn de Geus

Research and Teaching Directions

Practice and Theory of a Science of the Hinterland; post-Western theory and practice, design thinking, cognitive conception of space


Educational experience

2013 – 2021  Ph. D. in Architecture, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture

2010 – 2012  Master of Architecture, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture                                                     

2004 – 2008  Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Delft University of Technology, School of Architecture       


Academic Positions

2024 – present                Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2021 – 2024             Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2021 - present                 Jury Member, QS World University Ranking                                                                                               

2018  - present             Co-founder and Researcher, NUS-Tsinghua Design Research Initiative for Sharing Cities (NT-DRISC)

2014 - present               Visiting Critic, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), School of Architecture                 

2019                                      Jury Member, Architecture Asia Awards for Emerging Architects, jury member         

2012 - 2021                        Teaching staff, Assistant Manager,

                                                    English Program for Master of Architecture, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture

2013 - 2021                         First English Reader, CCPR; China City Planning Review 《城市规划(英文版)》

2013 – 2019                     Visiting Critic,  Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (BiFT)                                                                         

2015                                         Tutor and co-curator

                                                    Towards 2050: Sino-Dutch Sustainable Urban Development Workshop

2014                                    Visiting researcher and lecturer, Turin Polytechnic University, School of Architecture

2014                                    Assistant Editor in Chief, World Architecture Magazine 《 世界建筑 》                      

2009                                      Design studio tutor, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, School of Architecture

2009                                        Design studio tutor, Delft University of Technology, School of Architecture                                             

2009                                    Invited Urban Design and Architecture expert, Urgenda NL Vision 2049                           



Courses Taught


Year 3 Design Studio ‘Urban Ensemble’ (Spring Semester)



Design Studio 1: Site                                         (Fall Semester)

Design Studio 2: Building                              (Fall Semester)

Design Studio 3: The City                               (Spring Semester)

Why is Architecture – Introduction to Design Thinking (Lecture Course, Spring Semester)


Research Grants and Projects

2017-22      Tsinghua Design Research Initiative: Sharing Cities, principal investigator.

                            800,000 RMB funding by the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation (Hong Kong, China)


2014                Sino-Italian Research projects regarding industrial heritage and urban regeneration, collaborator,  50,000 EUR funding by the Polytechnic University of Turin + Campagnia di San Paolo (Italy)


2015                Towards 2050: Sino-Dutch Sustainable Urban Development, co-curator, funding by the Creative Industries Fund Netherlands and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Beijing.


2013 -15       Sino-Dutch research grant for bilateral exchange, 10,500 EUR by Nuffic, personal grant.

2008-2010  Exploring the Public City: Zoetermeer 2009. Funding by the European Union ‘Intensive International Program’, collaborator, project leader: prof. Peter de Bois.



Honor and Awards

2022       Winner   Dutch Young Architect of the Year (ARC2022 Young Talent Award)

2021              1st + 3rd prize, International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition

                      As tutor of student team   

2020             2nd Prize, Kaira Looro Architecture for Peace, Emergency Operations Center

                      As tutor of a student team

2019              Winner, Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat - Student Competition                                           

                        As tutor of student team   

2015              Honorable Mention, International Youth Competition in Architectural Design                                      

2015              2nd +5th place, 2015th International Union of Architects PHG competition                                              

                      As tutor of student team                                                                                                                                                                     

2014              Azure Awards of Merit: Architecture < 1,000 m2   with The Screen, Li Xiaodong Atelier         

2011              Winner, Best Urban Planning, Architects in Mission (AIM) 2011                                                                          

2010                Recipient CSC Scholarship

2010              Recipient ‘Starting Grant’ by The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture 2009          Winner,  OO1609 Community Center international competition, Loker, Belgium                                                                                                                 

2009                honorable mention, New Delft University School of Architecture building

2008             nomination Dutch National Architecture Facade Award 2008

2006             winner ‘Who comes after Koolhaas?’ international competition for TU Delft Stylos Pavilion


Professional Work Experience

2016 – present co-founder/ architect 汉荷设计 / maison h, China/ Netherlands                                                                                  

2010 - 14 Project architect, Li Xiaodong Atelier, Beijing, China 

2008 - 13   Co-Founder/ architect. Vision Included, Rotterdam, theNetherlands

2009 - 10     Architect, MVRDV, Rotterdam, the Netherlands                                                                                                       

2009             Architect, Marc Koehler Architects, Amsterdam, the Netherlands                                                                

2008             Junior Architect, Behnisch Architects, Los Angeles, USA

2002 - 08     Zookeepr, Apenheul Primate Park, the Netherlands


Representative Project Experience

2021                Lijiang Zhongjihai Ecological Wetland Resort

2021                Tsinghua University Student Center Regeneration

2020                Apenheul Primate Park ‘Food Forest’

2019                Zhangjiakou Village regeneration

2018                Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Museum competition design

2018                Courtyard Renovation at the White Pagoda Temple 

2017                 Tsinghua University Graduate Lab



Academic Publishing

(1) Books

2020                Xiaodong LI , Martijn DE GEUS, Lorena RODRIGUEZ (eds.), EPMA Visions, Tsinghua University Press, ISBN. 9-787302-554950

2018             He HUANG, Ye ZHANG, Martijn DE GEUS, Yue ZHANG, Teck Kiam TAN, Sharing Cities 《 共享城市 》, Tsinghua University Press  ISBN. 9-787302-49695-3


2015                Knowledge City; Campus vs. City 《 知识城市 》, He HUANG, Martijn DE GEUS, Yue ZHANG, Tsinghua University Press ISBN. 9-787302-451921

2011                 Peter DE BOIS, Marc KOEHLER, Laura DE BONTH, Martijn DE GEUS, Nick NABER (eds.), Exploring the Public City “Transition of the Dutch New Town Zoetermeer”, Delft University of Technology Press.  ISBN. 978 90 5269 376 7



(2) Journal Articles & Papers

2021                De Geus, M. Aldo van Eyck’s Interstitiality: Regenerating interstitial Urban Leftover spaces, WA/ World Architecture, vol. 370, 2020/05, pp. 31-39

2020               De Geus, M. “Design Studio Teaching in the Age of COVID-19”,, 2020/03, online pubishing,

2019               “Maison h” in Art4D (Thailand) no. 269, 2019

2019              De Geus, M. Tomorrow: One World, Two Futures,  in Architecture Asia, Second Quarter of 2019, pp. 78-81

2019              De Geus, M. Views on Hutong Living, in WA/ World Architecture journal, 2019 pp.112-115

2019               De Geus, M. China Projections. full-length article on 

2019              De Geus, M. “A Way of seeing (into) China”, in the book ‘Beautified China’ by Kris Provoost, LANNOO Publishers

2018              De Geus, M. Co-Design in China, in Volume 53 ‘Civic Space’, ARCHIS 2018 pp 18-23

2017              De Geus, M. A Critical Review of the UABB in Shenzhen, as seen against the wild growth of Architectural Biennales worldwide”, in WA/ World Architecture, vol. 331, 2018/01, pp

2017              De Geus, M. Review of Spaces for Architectural Education in Western Universities, in WA/ World Architecture, vol. 326, 2017/08, pp10-19

2017              De Geus, Bio-economy in the Netherlands, in WA/ World Architecture, vol. 322, 2017/04, pp 42-48

2015              De Geus, M. Understanding the Chinese City - Book Review, in CCPR, China City Planning Review, 2015, pp2012      “SI; Systeme Internationale”, in Evolo Skyscrapers, ISBN: 978-0-98

2010              “BlackBox, New Stylos Pavilion”, in Architecture Annual Delft University of Technology, 010 Publishers


(3) Invited Lectures

Conference Speaker:

2019              speaker, Thinking Architecture, Views from Practicing Educators. Conference between Tsinghua University & Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), organized by WA/ World architecture          

2018              speaker, Sharing Cities Forum. Jointly organized by National University Singapore and Tsinghua University.

2015               presented a paper at the PhD Forum at Tsinghua University
2015           speaker at first TEDx conference in Tsinghua
2014              speaker, panelist at TOPS with Che Fei at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology          
2012              speaker, Harvard GSD + Tsinghua University joint forum on Sustainable Cities                


Special Invited Keynote Speaker (fully funded):

2021   Anthology Architecture Festival - keynote                                                                   The Philippines

2021   Espiritu Santo University - One World Two Futures webinar - keynote                       Ecuador

2019   One World Two Futures at KLAF2019: DATUM - keynote                                           Malaysia

2017   UIA Global Conference                                                                                                South Korea

2016   Australian Design Forum                                                                                             China

2016   House Vision 2                                                                                                            Japan

2015   The girl that changed my life’ at TEDx                                                                       China             

2015   Spaces for Learning                                                                                                  China

2015   Towards A Future Habitat, RMIT + Tsinghua University joint studio                          China             

2015   Towards A Future Habitat, for Urban Flux, Beijing                                                      China                      

2015   Towards A Future Habitat, TU Delft Alumni presentation                                             China             

2014   Regeneration of Industrial Heritage in China, Turin Polytechnic University Italy  

2014   Building China, Turin Polytechnic University                                                                  Italy  

2013    Cognitive perception of Space, MIT (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology)                      USA

2013    Relevance of Chinese Architecture, Delft University of Technology                                 Netherlands


Other conference activities:

2014   Attended the Conference on Digitization and Architectural Heritage in Dengfeng              

2014   Co-organizer, and co-curater or the Architecture Film Festival at Beijing Design Week                         

2014   Co-organizer of the conference “Towards 2050 - Sino-Dutch Approach on Smart Cities

2011    co-organized and chaired the Forum ‘Vision. Impact.’ at Tsinghua University        



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