研究方向:可持续(健康、舒适和节能)室内空气环境。主持了国家自然科学基金创新群体、杰青、重点、科技部支撑计划重大项目课题、863课题和多项国内外横向课题。发表SCI收录的国际期刊论文190余篇,SCI他引4500余次,h因子42,其中5篇为ESI(高被引)论文,在国际著名出版社ELSVIER的2014、2015年中国高被引论文作者排行榜上连续列土木工程学科首位。参编20余项国家或行业标准,获发明专利20余项。三次应邀在室内空气领域最权威的国际学术大会Inter. Conf. of Indoor Air上做大会特邀报告(2008,丹麦; 2014,香港;2016,比利时)。
现任中国室内环境与健康专业委员会主任委员,中国环境科学学会常务理事,住房与城乡建设部建筑环境与节能标准化技术委员会副主任委员,中国健康建筑产业技术创新战略联盟技术委员会主任委员,中国建筑学会零能耗建筑学术委员会副主任委员,中国传热传质专业委员会、中国暖通空调专业委员会和中国建筑物理专业委员会委员,国际室内空气科学院Fellow;国际期刊Energy and Buildings副主编,Indoor Air, Building and Environment,PLoS ONE等编委, 国内核心期刊科学通报、暖通空调、太阳能学报等编委。曾获国家杰出青年基金、省部级一等奖两项、三等奖两项。
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[12] Mo JH, Zhang YP*, Xu QJ, Zhu YF, Lamson JJ, Zhao RY, Determination and risk assessment of by-products resulting from photocatalytic oxidation of toluene, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. 89(2009), 570-576.
[11] Mo JH, Zhang YP*, Xu QJ, Lamson JJ, Zhao RY, Photocatalytic purification of volatile organic compounds in indoor air: a literature review, Atmos. Environ., 43(2009). 2229-2246.
[10] Xiong JY, Zhang YP*, Wang XK, Chang DW, Macro-meso two scale model for predicting the VOC diffusion coefficients and emission characteristics of porous building material, Atmos. Environ,, 42 (2008), 5278-5290.
[9] Hu HP, Zhang YP*, Wang XK, Little JC, An analytical mass transfer model for predicting VOC emission from multi-layered building materials with convective surfaces on both sides. Inter. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), 2069-2077.
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[2] Hu XX, Zhang YP*, Novel insight and numerical analysis of convective heat transfer enhancement with microencapsulated phase change material slurries: laminar flow in a circular tube with constant heat flow, Inter. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 45 (2002), 3163-3172.
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